Loop Initialization


Loop initialization has two stages. First is created by:

let loop_creator = try!(rotor::Loop::new());

And the second is created by:

let loop_instance = loop_creator.instantiate(context)

Then you can run the loop:


As you can see the loop_creator.instantiate(..) takes a context for the instantiation. This is the key difference between two stages.

There is a shortcut if you want to skip second stage of initialization:

let loop_creator = try!(rotor::Loop::new());

Adding State Machines

To have something useful of main loop you need to add a state machine to it. State machine initialization is done via add_machine_with method:

try!(loop_creator.add_machine_with(|scope| {
    Ok(Tcp::new(addr, scope))

And in loop instance there is similar method:

try!(loop_instance.add_machine_with(|scope| {
    Ok(Tcp::new(addr, scope))

The difference is in the signature of the function:

impl Loop {
    fn add_machine_with<F>(&mut self, fun: F)
        -> Result<(), SpawnError<()>>
        where F: FnOnce(&mut EarlyScope) -> Result<M, Box<Error>>;
impl LoopInstance {
    fn add_machine_with<F>(&mut self, fun: F)
        -> Result<(), SpawnError<()>>
        where F: FnOnce(&mut Scope<C>) -> Result<M, Box<Error>>;

As you can see the only difference is that loop creator gets EarlyScope as an argument and latter gets Scope<Context> as an argument:

  1. Both have GenericScope implementation, so you can have constructors generic over the scope type
  2. Scope dereferences to the context while EarlyScope does not

Thats it. But in reality it’s important. For example, rotor-dns creates a pair: a state machine and a resolver object. State machine is just added to a loop, but you may want to put resolver object to a context. For example:

extern crate rotor_dns;

let resolver_opt = None;
try!(loop_creator.add_machine_with(|scope| {
    let (res, fsm) = try!(rotor_dns::create_resolver(scope, cfg));
    resolver_opt = Some(res);
let resolver = resolver_opt.unwrap();
let mut loop_instance = loop_creator.instantiate(Context {
    dns: resolver,

With rotor-tools the code is simplified to:

extern crate rotor_dns;
extern crate rotor_tools;
use rotor_tools::LoopExt;  // The trait with helper functions

let resolver = try!(loop_creator.add_and_fetch(|scope| {
    rotor_dns::create_resolver(scope, cfg)
let mut loop_instance = loop_creator.instantiate(Context {
    dns: resolver,